
Hi There! πŸ‘‹

Looks like you are looking around, thank you! I really appreciate your visit. Let me tell briefly how this site was created.

Sarah - owner and coach - approached me with the idea that we could count the burpees made during the COVID-19 quarantine period. She asked if I know any tool which we could do that. I didn't. So I started googling but couldn't find anything.

So it got me thinking and I got motivated suggesting, that I could program a webapplication achieving what she had in mind. My goal was to get the application up and running in a day - without putting too much effort into it. She was in, so I went all-in πŸ™‚.
Along the way, a good friend - Ranky - joined, which I'm also greatful for. He helped developing the application from the beginning.

We started working on it and especially I was immediately caught up in this small, simple, but beautifully-painful (because Burpees πŸ˜…) idea. But lo and behold, we put something together in one day which fullfilled the requirements.

Since then, I continued working on new features and improvements and I am just enjoying it. I love doing CrossFit and I am happy that I can combine it with one of my biggest passions - coding πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’». I am really grateful for that.

Thanks Sarah for providing the idea πŸ™Œ
Thanks Ranky for helping out πŸ™Œ
Thanks everyone who is using it - love you guys, it makes me really happy ❀️

Wish you the best,
Şahin ✌️